What is Identity Verification? #
Identity Verification ensures conversations between you and your Users are kept private, and that one person can’t impersonate another. This is done by passing a secure identifier of your Contact/Lead/Customer.
Open Your Inbox Settings #

Grab the Identity Verification Secret #

Use the Example Chat Code Below #
Make sure to replace the “websiteToken” and the example hash value “1234567891234” in the snip-it below.
(function(d,t) {
var BASE_URL="https://app1.chatcloud.ai";
var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
g.defer = true;
g.async = true;
websiteToken: 'ABC123ABC123',
baseUrl: BASE_URL
window.$chatcloud.setUser("{$user.id}", {
name: "{$user.firstname} {$user.lastname}",
avatar_url: "",
email: "{$email}",
identifier_hash: "{$user.id.hash=1234567891234}”,
phone_number: "",
description: "",
country_code: "",
city: "",
company_name: "",
crm_contact_id: "{$user.id}"
FYI: If you’re generating the “identifier_hash” from a third-party app, you will need to use sha256 to hash the User ID with the Hash Secret. Here is an example;
hash_hmac('sha256', $user_id, $hash_secret);